From The Virtual Assistant Forums

We’ve started a new Lending Group on Kiva for the Virtual Assistant Forums community!

It’s easy to join – just go to to view the Group page and click the ‘Join Team’ link – you will be directed to a page where you can register if you’re new to Kiva or log in if you’re already a member.

Then, every time you make a micro-lending contribution through Kiva you can choose to do so as part of the VAF lending group!

Did you know that every single dollar you donate is RETURNED to you when the loan recipient pays the funds back!!

Some of our members have already made a number of loans through Kiva to entrepreneurs all over the world, often in the third world, and have already seen some of those funds repaid so that they could loan out that same $25 or $50 to another growing business in an impoverished area across the globe.

Please sign up to be a part of our Lending Team on Kiva – this is a great way to show gratitude for the abundance in your own growing business.

Blogging members, please take a moment to make note of this on your Virtual Assistant business blog! It’s an open group and we want as many VA members as possible to join.

Thank you!!